Sun Dogs and Yellowcake, Edmonton launch

Audreys Books 10702 Jasper Avenue , Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Launch of non-fiction book about Gunnar Mines, a Cold War uranium mining town in northern Saskatchewan.

New Voices Reading, Vancouver Public Library

Vancouver Public Library 350 W Georgia St, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Join Patricia and other authors for a reading and discussion of their books at Vancouver Public Library.


Sun Dogs Visits Nanaimo

Nanaimo Harbourfront Public Library 90 Commercial St, Nanaimo, British Columbia

Canada’s uranium helped end the second world war and armed the next, the Cold War. An exploration frenzy swept the western world and mining magnate Gilbert LaBine’s new discovery at Gunnar Mines attracted attention across North America and beyond. Gunnar’s 800 residents—immigrants fleeing post-war Europe, job-seeking southerners, and the area’s First Nations and Métis—found adventure, romance, tragedy, and a freedom never again to be equaled. Meanwhile, lamps made of uranium drill core sat in their homes and their children played at the tailings pond. Sun Dogs and Yellowcake is their story.
Part memoir, part oral history, Sun Dogs and Yellowcake is a thoughtful and often humorous account of a recent but largely forgotten era
